About 556Airsoft.com

Monday, June 8, 2009

Act 4: Full of Agression

ACT 4: Full on Aggression
Where: 556 Airsoft's field
When: June 27th, 2009
How Much: $15.00 (pre-registration REQUIRED)

-Check-in and Chrono: 10:00 a.m.
-Play to begin promptly at 11:00 a.m.
-Directions can be found here.
-To register click here.

The Battlefield Rules:

The time is nearing for all troops to prepare for the next installment of Acts of War. ACT 4: Full on Aggression will be held at 556's field in Stroudsburg on June 27th, 2009. Game play will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. Check in and chrono will start at 10:00 a.m.

ACT 4 takes on a completely different form of gameplay from any of the past Acts. Each team's main object is to raise flags at pre-determined way points on the field of play. Respawns will be in play, however, with a new twist; spawn tickets.

Multicam BDU: Crye Precision Combat set, HSGI ...Image via Wikipedia

Uniform Requirements:
Coalition: ACU, Woodland, MultiCam, OD
Saylorstonian: Subdued ACU, ANY desert, Tiger Stripe, Tan, Black
The color of a player's gear (i.e. vest, LBV, etc.) doe not count toward the uniform color. Uniform is constituted by the color of the pants and top ONLY.


**All players must wear eye protection. Goggles or ANSI Z+ rated ballistics glasses ONLY.

**All players must be wearing proper footwear (i.e. boots or hiking shoes). SNEAKERS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. If you wear sneakers you will not be allowed on the field of play.

**All players must bring hydration.

** It is recommended that all players bring food with them.




All players are responsible for bringing their own BB's. If you need more BB's throughout the day, BB's will be available for purchase.

FPS Limits/Weapon Limits:

Riflemen/SAW Gunners
420 fps maximum with .20g bb's.
15 foot minimum engagement distance for all except snipers.

Bolt action or semi-auto ONLY.
1 sniper or DMR per team per round.
500 fps maximum with .20g bb's
75 foot minimum engagement distance.

NO percussion/distraction grenades
NO player pyrotechnics

Grenades that shoot BB's, powder, or a combination of the two are ALLOWED.
Rocket launchers/grenade launchers must use single soft projectiles (Nerf rockets, foam balls, rubber 203 projectiles, etc.)

General Play:

1. A total of seven, 30 minute matches will be played.

2. Each team will have their own designated flags. Both teams' flags will be placed at waypoint objectives. Objectives are to be taken.

3. To take an objective, each team must successfully raise their flag at each waypoint and keep it raised until the end of the match being played.

4. A TWO shot rule applies. A player who is hit twice, either consecutively or on two separate occassions will return to their respective spawn-point where they will find two boxes. One filled with spawn tickets, the other with a slot in the top. Once the player arrives at the spawn-point they must do two things: 1) Remove a spawn ticket from box "A" and 2) Place the spawn ticket in box "B". The player can then return to the field. Players do not get issued spawn tickets individually. When the tickets are gone, YOUR TEAM CAN NO LONGER RE-SPAWN. Keep your wits about you.

5. At the end of each match, the team with the most flags and players on the field wins the match. EXCEPTION: If a team has more flags up, but NO PLAYERS left on the field, the opposing team wins the match by default.

Team Unit Designations:

Soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Division conduc...Image via Wikipedia

1. Each team will consist of one commander, and at least two squads, each with a squad leader. The commander MUST play as a separate player with a cadre of at least 2 supporting troops playing as riflemen/security.

2. Each squad may only have ONE SAW GUNNER.

3. Each team may have only ONE SNIPER OR DMR in play per 30 minute round.

4. Commanders and Squad Leaders must have radios. Although all players are encouraged to carry a radio.


The team with the most won rounds will be declared the overall winner.

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Stomper Saturdays

Open play airsoft skirmi

Airsoft Extreme Int'l ShootImage by †whiteknight† via Flickr

shes. Our regular casual play Saturdays, called "Stomper Saturdays" are now open. Come on down to the field, bring a couple of friends and have an afternoon of open skirm

My airsoft gun... againImage by Mulletar via Flickr

ishing. It's all about having fun and meeting new people. So bring your airsoft gun, gear, some bb's, some eye protection, and most importantly the burning desire to sling some plastic!

Play starts at 1:00 p.m. and runs until ??:??

Our next Stomper Saturday is this coming weekend: Saturday, June 6 2009 @ 1:00p.m.
Hope to see you here!
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Friday, May 1, 2009

April Pics of 556 Airsoft Field. GREEN!!

Here are several pictures of our airsoft field. They were taken about a week ago. Notice the GREEN! Yay! We've been waiting months to see this again. We've made MANY improvements since last summer. So the changes are really beginning to take shape. For those of you who have not played here during the warmer months, I recommend doing so. This field changes dramatically with foliage and new growth every year. I hope that this serves as a reminder that we'll be doing more Ops (soon) this summer and fall. So stay tuned! We have advertisements and "special deals" coming for all of our friend's on Myspace. We look forward to seeing you all again. We're also excited to meet some newcomers to our events and to the sport of airsoft itself.

Checkout: 556 Airsoft

Monday, April 13, 2009

Store updates at 556Airsoft

We've been busy at 556 Airsoft! The online store is coming together nicely.

Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/556Airsoft.

Have Myspace page? Look us up and become friends with us to get special discounts and news about upcoming products and events. Here's the link to 556 Airsoft on Myspace http://www.myspace.com/556airsoft .

View our airsoft event photos and videos here http://photobucket.com/556airsoft.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DBoys KAC PDW Coming SOON!!!!!!!

Apparently there are some rumors going around that Boyi/DBoys cloned the VFC PDW and will be releasing it for sale sometime nearthe end of April. Stay tuned..........Details are coming. In the meantime checkout some updates to our store at www.556Airsoft.com. Create an accout while you are there and recieve our newsletter. Later!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Acts of War - Act III: Battle for Bloody Ridge Video

Act III: Battle for Bloody Ridge

Thanks for comin' out guys. We shot a little video at the event. Here's how it looks. Enjoy......
Battle for Bloody Ridge Video

A&K M60 E4 and MK43 Airsoft Guns are coming

The A&K M60's are coming. Our supplier has over 1000 on order. We've started a pre-order sale so that you can get your A&K M60 ordered up. Take advantage of this special introductory price. This is the lowest amount of money an airsoft M60 has EVER been sold. Be the first in your group to own this legendary piece of equipment.

Click the links below to see our ad!
A&K M60 Ad
A&K M60 AdPic1